Product Description:
- Turbine By Pass system are used to Condition Steam & Control Pressure at Critical Conditions, by injecting atomized cooling liquid directly into the steam.
- Turbine By Pass systems are used during Plant Start Up & Shut Down (also Emergency conditions), or when changing the Plant load condition. During those operations steam can not flow thought the turbine, but it’s diverted thought the By Pass to the next level
- Turbine by Pass system leads to a temporary two-stage (liquid-vapor flow) with potential control difficulties: high pressure drop & thermal stress of equipments (erosion of turbine blades, reduced vibration in the Piping System).
- Turbine by Pass is fabricated by welding a Valves Body to a Desuperheater System.
Gotti Production Highlights:
- Production: 100% in house production. 5 manufacturing departments fully dedicated, including Post Weld Heat treatment (PWHT) e Non Destructive Examination (NDE) , to control manufacturing process, time to market, cost impact.
- Design Industrialization: ability to industrialize any product, verifying manufacturing feasibility / detecting weak points / suggesting product optimization to designers.