Gotti is engaged in the construction of Fabricated Product and Mechanical works for the Hydropower Industry. Gotti can supply Custom Made Welded Structures in carbon or stainless steel as per our client spec and drawing.
Gotti Competitive Advantages are:
- Fabrication of Complex Product: up to 20 tons weight and 200 mm thickness.
- Complete package supply: integrated fabrication (including PWHT + NDE), qualified outsourced products and services (mechanical machining , pickling & passivation, painting), packing and special transportation.
- Qualified Production System: certified production processes and certified personnel
- Project Management: dedicated project management team, able to control production progress and coordinate inspection activities.

Pelton Turbines are usually used on alpine basin (rivers with low flow rate). After big jumps, a noozle direct the water on the blades of the Pelton wheel determining the rotation.

Gotti fabricate Special Welded Equipments and Components for Francis Turbines, following our client design and specs.

Gotti is specialized in Fabrication of Welded Equipments and Components for Kaplan Turbines, as per our client design and specs.